Muskegon Channel: Stand Up for the Cure Muskegon - Ross Park July 13th

From Muskegon Channel:

Survivor, Shawn Stephenson talks about her personal journey and what to expect at from Standup Muskegon’s new home at Ross Park.

Survivor, Shawn Stephenson talks about her personal journey and what to expect at from Standup Muskegon’s new home at Ross Park.

It's a powerhouse event that has been going strong for 5 years and 2019 marks a new location for Stand Up for the Cure in Muskegon as the organizers shift away from Harbortowne Beach and head to Norton Shores BEAUTIFUL Ross park for a day of fun, awareness and some fund raising to help those afflicted by breast cancer. Not that Harbortowne wasn't a picture perfect type location or anything, but between the growth of the event as well as the well above average water levels, the shift to Ross Park offers a little more breathing room, maybe a few more shady spots and as Stand Up continues it's to grow even more in the coming years.

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